Editorial Contacts
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Books Editorial Contacts
Aninda Bose
Executive Editor Interdisciplinary Applied Sciences, Computational Intelligence, Energy -
Dr. Mayra Castro
Senior Editor Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; Manufacturing and Production Engineering; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics -
Dr. Leontina Di Cecco
Senior Editor Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering, Computational Neuroscience, Ocean Engineering, Engineering Ethics, Applied Philosophy, Computational Intelligence, Transportation, Water Technology -
Dr. Thomas Ditzinger
Editorial Director Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences and Engineering -
Jasmine Dou
Associate Editor Electrical Engineering -
Anthony Doyle
Executive Editor Engineering & Energy - Engineering Design; Manufacturing; Industrial Engineering; Materials Engineering; Power; Renewable Energy; and Reliability, Oil & Gas/Petroleum Engineering -
Dr. Loyola D'Silva
Executive Editor Physics, Astronomy, Biophysics, Bioengineering, Biomedical Physics, Biomaterials, Geophysics, Environmental Sciences, Energy, Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Mechanics, Civil Engineering. -
Susanne Filler
Executive Editor Applied Sciences -
James Finlay
Vice President Engineering; Materials Science -
Charles Glaser
Editorial Director Engineering, Materials Science, Applied Sciences -
Wayne Hu
Senior Editor Civil Engineering, Robotics, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Power Electronics, Mechanics, Industry Engineering -
Dr. Mengchu Huang
Executive Editor Applied Sciences -
Oliver Jackson
Editor Control, Signals and (especially wireless) communications, Engineering management and indiustrial engineering -
Mary E. James
Executive Editor Applied Sciences -
Kamiya Khatter
Senior Editor Applied Sciences & Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, AI/ML, Energy -
Christine Kiilerich
Associate Acquisitions Editor Synthesis Collection of Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization, Database Management, Information Security, Computer Graphics -
Zainab Liaqat
Editor Intelligent Transportation; Control and Decision Theory; Automation; Ocean Engineering -
Michael Luby
Executive Editor Mechanics, Materials Science, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Engineering & Design, Biomechanics/Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering -
Michael McCabe
Executive Editor Applied Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, MEMS, Power Engineering, Energy -
Swati Meherishi
Editorial Director Engineering, Materials Science, Energy, Water, Climate -
Dr. Dieter Merkle
Senior Editor Synthesis – Mechanical Engineering -
Dr. Ramesh Nath Premnath
Senior Editor Engineering, Materials Science, Energy, Water, Climate -
Pierpaolo Riva
Executive Editor Engineering and Applied Sciences -
Arza Seidel
Senior Editor Applied Sciences, Synthesis Collection of Technology, Engineering, Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy, Technology Management & Entrepreneurship -
Neha Sharma
Editor Applied Sciences & EngineeringSpringer Nature India Pvt Ltd. neha.sharma.2@springernature.com -
Deepak Suryavanshi
Associate Editor Applied Sciences and EngineeringSpringer - a part of Springer Nature deepak.suryavanshi@springernature.com -
Ella Zhang
Associate Editor Mechanical Engineering, Applied Science
Journals Editorial Contacts
Dr. Amin Fatemi
Managing Editor EnginereringSpringer Dordrecht amin.fatemi@springernature.com -
Melissa Fearon
Publishing Director, Applied Sciences Journals Computer Science, Engineering and Materials ScienceSpringer Nature melissa.fearon@springernature.com -
Dr. Eduardo Goldani
Publisher Engineering & Applied Sciences -
Frank Greenwood
Associate Publisher Engineering and Computer ScienceSpringer Nature melissa.fearon@springernature.com -
Mustafa Hasanov
Associate Publisher Engineering & Applied Sciences -
Lingling Huo
Associate Publisher Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science+86 1083415134 lingling.huo@springernature.com -
Nathalie Jacobs
Executive Editor Solid and Fluid Mechanics; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Computational Methods; Robotics and Control; Civil Engineering; Materials and Structures -
Annie Kang
Executive Publisher Mathematics, Physics, and Applied Sciences -
Dr. Thomas von Larcher
Managing Editor SN Applied Sciences Enginerering -
Anita Lekhwani
Executive Publisher Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Chemistry, Chemical and Biological Engineering -
Chew Juan Low
Senior Editorial AssistantSpringer Singapore chewjuan.low@springernature.com -
Daisuke Nakajima
Publisher Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science, Computer Science, Physics, Earth Sciences -
Jana Palinkas
Associate PublisherSpringer Heidelberg jana.palinkas@springernature.com -
Silvia Schilgerius
Senior Editor Engineering -
Na Xu
Co-publisher journals Physical Science & Engineering -
Patrick Keefe
Associate Publisher Engineering, Resources and Energy, Mechanics, Computer Science -
Sonal Choudhary
Publisher Applied SciencesSpringer sonal.choudhary@springernature.com -
Nidhi Chandhoke
Senior Publisher Applied and Physical SciencesSpringer New Delhi nidhi.chandhoke@springer.com -
Teena Bedi
Senior Publisher Computer Science and EngineeringSpringer New Delhi teena.bedi@springer.com -
Suvira Srivastav
Publishing Director Mathematics, Physical and Applied Sciences -
Katie Tunkavige
Publisher Engineering, Materials Science, Computer ScienceSpringer New York kathryn.tunkavige@springer.com -
Zoe Kennedy
Associate Publisher Engineering, Resources and Energy, Sustainable Engineering & Design, Mechanics and Materials Sciences, Communications Engineering, and Computer Science.+1(470)860-6155 zoe.kennedy@springer.com