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The Springer Shop Affiliate Program

Promote our Springer Shop or individual titles and earn your commission!

As a leading scientific publisher Springer Science + Business Media offers its customers a vast selection of over 200,000 print and eBooks across various scientific fields in the Springer Shop.
The customer base includes research professionals, academic researchers, professors and lecturers, students, authors as well as all individuals interested in science and technology.
Print books are shipped free of charge worldwide and eBooks can be used on computers and all portable devices without any limitations.

Promote our Springer Shop or individual Springer titles and earn a commission with every sale!

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Commission: Non-coupon partners: 10% for each sale and 15% from a monthly turnover of more than $1.000. Coupon partners: 8% for each sale and 12% from a monthly turnover of over $1.000.

  • Vast selection of advertising media: Product data, Text- & Deeplinks, Logo & Banner-sets in common sizes
  • Attractive discounts for users in our shop
  • Cookie duration of 30 days
  • Support from our Springer Shop Affiliate Team

This is how it works:

  • Register for free in the network of Commission Junction.
  • Apply as publisher to our Springer Shop program. You will find our profile with ID 3846539 in the network of CJ. 
  • Choose your favorite format from the advertising media provided (product data, banners, textlinks, deeplink-generator).
  • Include the URL on your website.
  • Generate sales in the Springer Shop via this link and receive up to 15% of the total net sales amount.


For inquiries about our affiliate programs please contact us at any time: