Paola Teti
Publisher, Journals Earth and Environmental SciencesTiergartenstraße 17
Heidelberg 69121
+49 62 214 87 8846
About Me
I am responsible for driving forward the commissioning, content management and development of a portfolio of journals in earth and environmental sciences in close collaboration with Editors-in-Chief, board members and authors. My focus areas are earth sciences, global change policy and management, sustainability, sustainable development, environmental management, geography, renewable energy. I am also interested in discussing proposals for high-quality, hybrid and Open Access journals covering all areas of earth and environmental sciences.
City, Territory and Architecture
Earth, Planets and Space
Energy, Sustainability and Society
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Environmental Earth Sciences
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science
Renewables: Winds, Water and Solar
Sustainable Environment Research