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Selecting the right publisher is one of the most important decisions an author will make. At Springer, we recognize that our authors are at the heart of what we do and we are committed to providing the resources, support and advice you need to help you succeed. Let your journey begin with Springer!

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Are you ready to publish?

1. Choose your format

At the beginning you have to choose the publication format: journal article or book? For articles you can decide if you want to publish your work with the subscription-based model or open access.



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2. Submit your work

As a journal author go to the the journal page of your choice and submit your manuscript online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times.

As a book author you can find guidelines for a smooth publication process and get in touch with an editor in your subject area.

3. Production

Our team of knowledgeable professionals will guide you from manuscript to publication. 

As a Springer author you can use Article or Book Tracking. It will guide you through the stages from the moment your work has been accepted until it is published online and in print.

4. Publication

Once the initial proof of your article has been corrected and finalized, the article is ready for Online First publication. Articles are searchable and citable by their DOI (Digital Object Identifier). You can subscribe for our Citiation Alert.

Springer publishes books in various formats, be it as an eBook, a traditional print copy or a low-priced printed MyCopy edition exclusively for eBook licensees.