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Call-for-Papers "Challenges and Innovations in Computational Astrophysics"

Journal cover: Computational Astrophysics and CosmologyComputational Astrophysics and Cosmology calls for papers contributing to Topical Collection

We solicit articles for a new Topical Collection of the journal Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology (CompAC) preliminary entitled “Challenges and Innovations in Computational Astrophysics”, which will include original articles from leading researchers in the field. We invite all authors to submit a paper.

Subjects to be covered:

  •     the on-set of turbulence, fluid dynamics in star and galaxy formation;
  •     three-dimensional stellar evolution, supergiants, massive stars and SN events;
  •     binary black holes, binary neutron stars, gravitational waves, numerical relativity;
  •     handling large data sets, analysis pipelines and optimization;
  •     micro and global physics, radiation fields, heat transfer;
  •     technology of special architecture computers;
  •     etc.

The Topical Collection is an outgrowth of the meeting "Challenges and Innovations in Computational Astrophysics", Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 16-21 September 2019. This Topical Collection is not a conference proceedings, and it is not limited to contributions presented at the meeting. All submissions must be completed original articles that meet the regular quality of the journal.

Potential authors are asked to submit a letter-of-interest (LOI) with a tentative title, author list, and suggestions for reviewers by 31 October 2019 to the Publishing Editor <>. The deadline for manuscript submission is 20 December 2019.

Details about the journal’s aims and scope:

For further information, and submission of statements of intent, please contact: 

Frank Schulz (Publishing Editor, Springer Nature), Simon Portegies Zwart (CompAC Editor-in-Chief), Michiko Fujii (CompAC Associate Editor).