GRG Topical Collection "The Fuzzball Paradigm"
Call for papers contributing to special article collection
We solicit manuscripts on "The Fuzzball Paradigm" for inclusion in a Topical Collection of the journal General Relativity and Gravitation.
The fuzzball proposal is a paradigm for black holes. In the conventional picture of a black hole, the region around the horizon is in the vacuum state. In the fuzzball paradigm, string theory effects modify the interior of the black hole up to the horizon scale. The proposal posits that the radiation leaving from a non-extremal fuzzball carries information just like radiation from a piece of burning coal. In recent years, these ideas have been widely explored by a number of authors. This Topical Collection plans to explore the ideas and advances in this area.
Read first invited articles of the Topical Collection "The Fuzzball Paradigm" here
Topics to be included in this collection include, but are not limited to:
- Fuzzball solutions and their properties
- D1-D5 CFT
- Smooth solutions of alternative theories of gravity
- Black Hole information
- AdS/CFT and the fuzzball proposal
- Classical and quantum properties of black hole microstates
Articles with possibly indirect implications for the fuzzball proposal are also welcome.
Authors are invited to submit through the website Please indicate that your manuscript is intended for inclusion in the special issue "T.C. : The Fuzzball Paradigm". For preparation, please follow the instructions for authors available at
Papers will be published continuously and will appear (as soon as accepted) on the journal website. All submitted papers will be refereed according to the usual high standards of the journal.
We look forward to receiving your submission!
Samir D. Mathur (Guest Editor), David Turton (Guest Editor), or Amitabh Virmani (GRG Associate Editor).