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对比经常在论文的结果部分出现。通常含有这些词语 “between” 、“among”、 “like”、 “with” 和 “than”。


1. 只比较可以对等比较的类似事物。


不好: The brain activity in Patient A was compared with Patient B.
: The brain activity in Patient A was compared with that of Patient B.

将大脑活动与一个人对比是没有意义的。相反,我们需要对比相同的东西 – 即,患者A的大脑活动与患者B的大脑活动。

: Expression levels of p53 in smokers were compared with p53 levels in non-smokers.
更好: Expression levels of p53 in smokers were compared with those in non-smokers.

这里“those”是指“expression levels of p53”。最好不要在一句话中重复相同的词,因为这会让读者感到无聊。

2. 避免模糊 —— 尽可能具体。


不好: Reactions with the new machine were faster.

: Reactions with the new machine were faster than those with the old machine.
第一句话会让读者疑问 "Faster than what?"

3. 像“reduced”、 “increased”和“decreased”这样的词只能用来与某事项之前的情况进行比较,而不是比较不同的事项。要比较不同的事项(比如不同的病人组),请使用像“higher”、 “shorter”或 “more”这样的词。


不好: In our study, time until hibernation was reduced in the Experimental Group compared with the Control Group.
: In our study, time until hibernation was shorter in the Experimental Group than in the Control Group.

