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Deutschsprachige Projekte
Dr. Annett Büttner
Executive Editor Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment -
Marija Kojic
Lektorin -
Simon Shah-Rohlfs
Editor Earth Science, Geography and Environment - German & English Language Projects (Springer Spektrum & Springer)
Books Editorial Contacts
Dr. Annett Büttner
Executive Editor Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment -
Doris Bleier
Editor Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment -
Margaret Deignan
Senior Editor Global environmental change, polar sciences, water security, policy governance & resources -
Lisa Fan
Senior Editor Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment -
Yosuke Nishida
Editor Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment -
Zachary Romano
Senior Publishing Editor Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment -
Simon Shah-Rohlfs
Editor Earth Science, Geography and Environment - German & English Language Projects (Springer Spektrum & Springer) -
Aaron Schiller
Editor Geography, Sustainability Research, Environmental Science, Paleontology -
Dr. Christian Witschel
Editorial Director Earth Sciences, Geography & Environment -
Qiao Shu
Associate Editor Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment
Journals Editorial Contacts
Alexandrine Cheronet
Editorial Director Earth and Environmental Sciences -
Paola Teti
Publisher, Journals Earth and Environmental Sciences -
Ron Doering
Editor Climate Change and Global Warming; Earth Sciences; Earth System Sciences; Geology; Minerology; Oceanography; Environmental Sciences; Marine and Freshwater Sciences; Geography. -
Samuel Goodchild
Associate Editor Earth and Environmental Sciences -
Jan Margulies
Journal Development Editor Earth and Environmental Sciences -
Daisuke Nakajima
Publisher Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science, Computer Science, Physics, Earth Sciences -
Xiaoli Pei
Editor Earth and Environmental Sciences -
Dr. Arya Ramachandran Nair
Associate Editor Earth and Environmental Sciences -
Fritz Schmuhl
Executive Publisher Environmental economics, management and policy; environmental law and politics; environmental assessment; environmental and occupational health; air and water quality; hydrogelogy and water resources; circular economy; remanufacturing; waste and biomass valorization; climate change and disasters; life cycle assessment; and maritime studies. -
Dr. Clifford Chuwah
Managing Editor Physical Geography, Geology, Climate, Oceanography and Natural Hazards, Geophysics, Environmental Chemistry, Geochemistry and Environmental Engineering.