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Software Engineering

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Welcome to this special selection of highlighted books & journals, and all you should know about publishing with Springer.  Springer's software engineering program ranges from formal aspects to advanced issues like crowdsourced testing or quantum software engineering. It covers the whole range of current research topics related to software development and programming languages.  Please do contact us should you have any publishing plans or questions.

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On this page: Featured Books | Featured Articles |  Editorial Contacts, Publishing Options & Author Services |  Book Proposal form

Featured Books

Explore a collection of recent publications that the computer science book editors recommend to you. Springer offers an excellent variety of titles. All are peer reviewed and are available in print, electronic or well-priced MyCopy edition.

Book cover: The Logic of Software. A Tasting Menu of Formal Methods

The Logic of Software. A Tasting Menu of Formal Methods

Book cover: Intelligent Crowdsourced Testing

Intelligent Crowdsourced Testing

Book cover: Domain-Specific Languages


Domain-Specific Languages

Book cover: Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis


Handbook of Requirements and Business Analysis

Book cover: Formal Methods for Software Engineering


Formal Methods for Software Engineering

Book cover: Quantum Software Engineering

Quantum Software Engineering

Book cover: Programming Language Design and Implementation


Programming Language Design and Implementation

Book cover: Concise Guide to Software Engineering

Undergraduate Textbook

Concise Guide to Software Engineering

Book cover: Animated Problem Solving


Animated Problem Solving

> All Computer Science Books published on Springer Nature Link 

German language books

Unsere Lektor*innen stehen Ihnen gerne beratend zur Seite und unterstützen Sie bei Ihren deutschsprachigen Buchprojekten. Erweitern auch Sie die Reichweite Ihrer Arbeit, und senden Sie uns Ihren Buchvorschlag zu.     📄 Online-Formular für Ihr Exposée

Book cover: Internet-Modellierung mit Julia

Book cover: Agile objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung 

Book cover: Grundlagen der Anforderungsanalyse

Book cover: Architekturen Verteilter Softwaresysteme

Book cover: Einführung in die Softwaretechnik

Weitere Publikationen in deutscher Sprache

Publishing with Springer Computer Science

  • Ralf Gerstner, Editor Computer Science, Springer © Springer

    Ralf Gerstner

    Executive Editor 

    Books in Information Systems, Databases, Information Retrieval, Digital Libraries, Web Technologies, Software Engineering and Programming Languages and Techniques, Proposals for LNBIP volumes

    Contact Ralf

  • Publication © Springer Nature 2020

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Publishing Options & Author Services

A book - especially when published with Springer - will bring your work to a very wide audience, including researchers and professionals around the world, students, and younger researchers in the rising generation. Springer’s progressive and e-first way of publishing books takes down the barriers that would keep people from getting your book. Springer books do not have restrictions or digital rights management so there are no limits to how many people can simultaneously access the book, nor what readers can do with the book file (for example, save the file, print the file, etc.). Also, at Springer, you will get powerful editorial support at every stage - from proposal through post-publication. And previous Springer authors have overwhelmingly found the experience of doing their book with Springer satisfying and rewarding.

"Key for efficient book production is an integrated production chain. We benefited from Springer's support of Latex text processing, which guarantees high-quality type-setting and consistency. Key for effective book dissemination is global market reach. Our „Fundamentals of Business Process Management” is used in more than 250 universities in 70 countries, thanks to Springer's network of international distribution partners.”
Prof. Dr. Jan Mendling

“I really enjoyed the experience of working with the Springer team to publish my book. Throughout the process, from manuscript submission to publication and subsequent publicity arrangements, I was accompanied by very knowledgeable and helpful people from different parts of the world, but always well coordinated and on point. I never thought it would be so easy to publish my book. It is an experience I would gladly repeat.” 
Joseph Sifakis, Turing Award Winner